Wednesday, April 30, 2014


If you're not a fan of Prairie Home Companion, just ignore that title. 

Anyhoo, in the past month or so we've...

Visited the pet store...

Tried a ton of boxes (more to come on that later)

 Went to a baby shower. (And saw friends we haven't seen in FIVE YEARS!)

Tried a juicing cleanse... and failed... hahaha!

Saw snow... again.

 Embarrassed both my sisters for their birthdays with #throwbackbirfday!

 Discovered our "outdoor voice"

Attended a board game party. And played one of my favorite drinking games.

Had folks over for baseball's opening day and first use of the fire pit.

Tried on mom's GINORMOUS shoes... 

Helped mama water plants. Yup, that chore list has been working!

Still going to music class and starting to warm to it...

Sharing my love of pigs...

 Used the wagon to check out yard sales...

 Attended the Braves home opener.

 Had the best grilled cheese sandwich and tomato bisque.

 Were introduced to a new park nearby.

 Were visited by grandparents!

Discovered someone likes hot salsa.

 And pom-poms. Although I think all kids do.

Saw a few thousand tulips...

 Bounced in our first bouncy house. a giant Easter egg hunt.

 And attempted some family pictures at Easter.

And, of course, Whit melted my heart some more...

I mean, DAAAAYUMN, kid's cute!

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