Friday, June 15, 2012

Pregnancy Rights

Don't worry, this isn't a super-serious post about reproductive rights or anything like that. I just read this article on and thought I would share. Our household has adopted most of these rules already, but occasionally Ben needs reminding about the air conditioning.

10 indisputable rights of pregnant women:
(via Katherine Martin)

1. She shall have the right to drop something and look around pitifully until someone feels bad enough to come along and pick it up. (done it)

2. She has the right to messy toenail polish. This includes the right to get a pedicure to avoid having messy toenail polish. Whether a pregnant woman decides to embrace her right to messy toes or a pedicure is her choice and she shall not be judged. (pedicure scheduled for today)

3. She has the right to spill food on her belly without being mocked. (do it all the time!)

4. She has the right to lay claim to any food in the house. All others shall assume the last piece of pie or the last serving of cereal has been claimed by this right unless told otherwise. (Ben tends to save the last piece for me anyway)

5. She has the right to waddle. Anyone in the presence of her waddling is restricted from laughing or gawking at said waddling. (been doing)

6. She has the right to claim “pregnancy brain” at any time. (done...more than I would like to admit)

7. She has the right to moan, groan or grunt when getting out of a chair, rolling over in bed, putting on her shoes or doing any activity that requires shifting her weight. (or whine when my belly hurts)

8. She has the right to claim flip-flops as appropriate footwear under any circumstance. (haven't been able to do this as much as I normally do)

9. She has the sole rights to the house’s thermostat. Do not question when she has the AC on and it’s 60 degrees outside or if she has the windows open while it’s snowing. Wear extra layers in the house without complaint. (ahem, Ben!)

10. She has the right to talk about being “large” or “huge”, but no one else can claim that right. She is the only person allowed to talk about her size. (aside from Ben's grandmother everyone has been telling me I'm a cute size, thanks goodness!)

And now...packing for a weekend in Meridian for baby shower #3! Wish me luck, I'll be driving ~5 hours by myself this time :(

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