Thursday, May 23, 2013

52 Weeks: Week 20

It was strawberry time at our house! My mother in law got a giant amount of strawberries which had me scrambling for ways to use them. I made a few jars of strawberry jam with the intention of giving them out at work. Except it was way too tasty, so we *may* have kept them for ourselves. Turns out Whit also enjoys strawberries. He should like almost all fruits since that was one of the few things I could keep down during my pregnancy. Top right is Whit learning to fist bump while making our friend Anthony look super creepy. I didn't notice until just now that their fists block out his eyes!

And the bottom left is Ben attempting to clean out our gutters. Y'all.

I. hate. maple. trees.

We have a big one in our backyard and every spring our gutters sprout tiny ecosystems. And the tiny trees are everywhere, not just in the gutters! They're in every potted plant, the flowerbeds, the cracks in the sidewalk, our driveway. And the ones that don't sprout are still rotting in the driveway months from now. Not to mention the ones that get into the house that Whit finds and tries to eat. There just better not be a maple tree at our next house!

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