Sunday, June 23, 2013

Our week

Yesterday Whit and I went to a family member's baby shower. Let's see it was for my step-father-in-law's niece? I just love that side of our family, they're always a hoot to be around and this month I'll get to see them twice. Another niece is getting married next week. They are what I hope our family can be one day: kind, accepting, fun and easygoing. Oh and big. There are five brothers and sisters, they each have 1-2 kids + spouses and almost all of them have at least one kid. Let's just say, we really should have had name tags at our wedding!

A couple of weeks ago I told work I was willing to go full time to help out. It feels like our office is such a mess sometimes it's very stressful... to me. I don't know if it's stressful to anyone else, but it feels like I work more doing part time hours than I would working full time. Friday they said okay and I start whenever I want. Of course now I don't want. Ever since they told me yes I've been thinking about how I'll hardly see Ben, it will cut out a lot of time with Whit, our house will be a continual mess again (which is why I went to part time in the first place) and nothing will ever get done. I'm hoping Ben and I are mature enough now that we can work something out that our house won't look wrecked all the time.

Last night Whit and I were eating supper (salmon, kale and cheese) and watching Dexter. And I started wondering at what age I need to wait until he's asleep to watch it. Right now Whit could care less that the TV is even on. He only looks up at it if I'm watching So You Think You Can Dance or baseball. So surely, he's not getting anything from it, right? Hmmm.

It's so nice to have your parenting validated. At the baby shower we were talking about babies sleeping in the bed with you and how hard it is to get them out when they're a little older. One of the kids, 5, just recently started sleeping in his own bed. And one of the other kids, 19, started sleeping in her own bed only a few years ago. Thankfully, Whit will only sleep in his bed and thinks ours is a trampoline. Then we talked about food. Whit was eating fruit and cheese off our plates and one of the older ladies was amazed and asked if he was a picky eater. I told her no, we hadn't found a food he disliked yet. She then said that one of her relatives was such a picky eater, but they think it's because he was started on solids so late. Add to that Whit has really taken to sippy cups of water this week and I am ecstatic. We're doing something right! Not that I had my doubts, but hearing it out loud makes you want to do a victory dance right then and there despite who would see it.

And my new favorite pajamas...


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